Journey to Julie

Dear Family and Friends! Thanks for being so supportive throughout this adoption process. Here is our "blog"-- a way for you to keep abreast of our amazing journey to Julie. We plan to update this site all the way up to coming home from China. After that, I imagine we will be too busy. Plus, you can come visit at that point anyway!!!

Sunday, October 30, 2005

October Update and GOODBYE

Our baby had her first birthday on October 27th! She has now been home for a bit over 3 months but you wouldn't know it to see her. She seems to understand pretty much everything and is beginning to talk. She is good at mimicking behavior and seems really interested in language.

We have had a couple of successful "road trips" to San Francisco and San Jose. She is tolerating the car seat now and even the stroller. We took her to the zoo last week and she really enjoyed it-- pointing to all the animals and listening to me talk to her about them. She is a social little girl, as long as it is on her terms. She doesn't like it when people touch her and approach her first. She wants to be the one to initiate. Oh, and she's still as cute as a button. We have had a couple of opportunities to put her in her Halloween costume. She really is too precious for words, so I will post pictures.

Now it is time to officially say good-bye to the blog. Happy holidays all and hope to see you soon! Thanks so much for following our journey!